
面具之下 #


盡可能地記住他們選擇了哪些動作和選項──這些選項提供了進一步的線索,讓你能知道他們想要在遊戲過程中看到什麼。 但不用為這件事太過操心。畢竟最終是由玩家們負責扮演自己的角色,並讓他們所選的動作發揮作用。

密切注意這個章節的內容:扮演書動作。 每個扮演書都會有幾個相對應的GM動作,用以迎合該扮演書的特定議題和要素。當你有機會進行任何其他GM動作時,你可以使用這些動作來帶動大家對每個角色對應主題片段的關注。


  • 關注他們的不足之處
  • 讚揚他們的優點
  • 讓他們為自己的大膽付出代價
  • 將他們與其他人做比較
  • 發揮他們的驅動力



  • 使他們的摯愛陷入危險
  • 提高他們的勁敵
  • 揭露關於他們過去的黑暗秘密
  • 讓跟他們相像的某人發動攻擊
  • 以俗世力量包圍他們

預設來說,蠻牛會超級關注自己的摯愛和勁敵。順其而行。烘托這些關係,讓他們的摯愛受到威脅,並讓他們的勁敵得到強化,並留給他們做出反應的機會。 有時候,將其反轉來保持故事的趣味性──危及他們的勁敵,並他們的摯愛(也許透過一個同樣對你的摯愛感興趣的競爭對手)。



  • 將他們銬起來
  • 給予或奪走觀眾
  • 給他們有條件的愛
  • 向他們展示界線
  • 對他們伸出援手



命帶天劫者 THE DOOMED #

  • 標記他們的末日軌
  • 給他們機會進一步發展他們的目標
  • 提醒他們關於他們可能會失去的事物
  • 把他們推往懸崖邊緣
  • 提供有代價的暫時慰藉

命帶天劫者是宿命論的,渲染著殘酷可怖的氛圍。 讓命帶天劫者加入你的遊戲,本身就等同於把死亡擺在了你的遊戲桌上,並讓你的整個遊戲分為都變得更為黑暗陰鬱。 千萬不要讓他們忘記自己是注定亡滅的。讓其他角色提及這點,添加一些關於末日的描述到故事中,並讓他們標記他們的末日軌。



和他們的玩家討論,確保你們對於推進末日軌的觸發條件是什麼都有共同的理解。 不用擔心讓他們在最後與他們的末日對峙。如果這在敘事上合理,就給予他們克服末日的機會。但無論是以什麼樣的方式,由於他們成長發展的項目,他們在最後都不得不直接與他們的末日展開抗爭。


  • 讓他們承擔他們的義務
  • 使他們其中一個身分中的某人遭遇危險
  • 讓他們的兩個人生交錯
  • 把更多的義務加諸在他們身上
  • 摘下他們的面具

雙面人的主題是關於雙重生活、也就是同時擁有兩種不同身份的本質。 推動他們。你負責決定時間在何時流逝,因此你也將負責決定雙面人該在什麼時候為他們的社會義務擲骰──不要吝嗇於此。不斷地詢問他們現在正處於哪一個身分的生活。 如果某個角色並不認識處於當前身份的他們,對雙面人詢問,確定他們擁有的對於該角色的影響力是否真的能適用。

讓他們兩個身分的生活都過得艱難。 他們的超級英雄人生很明顯已經充滿困難,畢竟整個團隊都會被捲進各種瘋狂的鬧劇之中。但他們會需要從他們的平凡人生和其中的義務裡獲得具體的推動力。 讓他們平凡生活周遭的人們在他們身上加諸義務。讓他們平凡生活中的人們身陷危險,就如同他們超級英雄生活中的群眾一樣。



  • 提醒他們關於他們的家族傳承
  • 把他們跟過往做比較
  • 讓他們回應他們家族的關心
  • 提高對他們的期望
  • 給他們榮譽




超新星 THE NOVA #

  • 提醒他們過去造成的傷害
  • 揭露關於他們超能力的可怕真相
  • 讓他們的力量失控
  • 煽動他們的狀態
  • 導入只有他們能夠處理的威脅





  • 關注他們與周遭的不同之處
  • 指派來自家鄉的要求
  • 導入一個來自家鄉的監控者
  • 在他們軟弱的時候接受並支持他們
  • 在緊張情境下激起他們的信念和行動


但不要忘記刺激和煽動他們的信念,逼迫他們決定他們是否真的想要投身到這個陌生的地方。此外,永遠不要讓他們完全忘記自己的家鄉。就算他們覺得自己跟家鄉之間不存在直接的聯繫,你仍然可以給他們寄送來自家鄉的書信,讓家鄉提出各種要求:從 「收集這個」到 「回家吧!」都可以。導入來自外來者家鄉的角色,他們來到地球至少好一段時間,他們會觀察PC,並評斷他們。



  • 傳達出他們的錯誤
  • 給予智慧,無論他們是否想要
  • 舉起一面對著他們的鏡子
  • 給他們正好需要的,但伴隨著代價
  • 使他們的導師陷入危險






  • 拒絕他們
  • 展現他們是如何被恐懼或憎恨的
  • 讓不加思索的群眾攻擊他們
  • 提醒他們關於他們失去的事物
  • 看見他們真實的自我

異變者看起來與眾不同,他們無法掩飾這點,並會為此感到不安。 他們將「與周圍格格不入」以及「想要融入其中」的議題帶到了遊戲之中,但切入角度卻又跟外來者不太一樣。外來者或許能反過來教給地球一些東西──他們之間的不同可以存在某種妥協與折衷。然而,異變者曾經是正常的……但卻再也回不去了。異變者無法與周圍的人們妥協。他們最渴望得到的就是接納。

拒絕異變者,並展現出他們可怕外貌所引發的負面反應。 人們會因為他們的外表而恐懼和憎恨他們,而他們掙扎的重點就在於克服這些觀點;因此,你必須提供大量的拒絕與否定。用不假思索的群眾攻擊他們,尤其使用「舉著草叉和火炬的暴民」的那種感覺。向他們展示那些他們失去的、再也不能進行或擁有的事物。

然而,偶爾給他們一點緩衝。 不要太常這麼做,但讓NPC看透他們的假面,看見面具底下的真我。同情他們的痛苦,並支持他們。這一切都將讓下一次的拒絕變得更加痛苦。

擴充〈神翠市先驅報集錦〉 #


  • 提醒他們關於他們過去的所作所為
  • 要求他們提供犯罪或邪惡的幫助
  • 從道德制高點去質疑他們
  • 提供他們來自犯罪或邪惡源頭的心靈慰藉
  • 讓他們面對一個來自他們過去的夢魘

Introducing the Reformed provides a through-line into the villainous side of Halcyon City. The Reformed was once important in that scene and still has plenty of contacts in that world. That means it’s more important than ever for you to portray the villains as full humans, with sympathetic drives and believable personas. The empathy that the Reformed demands makes it tough to also have ridiculous, grandstanding, unsympathetic villains at the same time.

In addition to the increased focus on villains and sympathetic criminals, the Reformed also adds another element to Masks that no other playbook focuses on as clearly—the past. Even though the Reformed is young, they’ve been in the superhero scene for a while, and they’ve taken many actions in that time. The past of the Reformed is very important for their present, and as a result the Reformed requires you to spend more time asking questions and talking about the past than any other playbook. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about what’s happened if it ever becomes important to what’s going on in the present.


  • 教導他們一個新的教訓
  • 修正一個既有的教訓
  • 將他們的其中一個教訓推到極限邊緣
  • 提醒他們從本質上的非人性
  • 把他們當作財產來行使所有權和控制權

The Newborn is a strangely fluid playbook that makes explicit what is implicit in many of the others. For the Newborn, moral lessons are hard-coded, written down on the character sheet, and thereby granted all the more meaning and importance. The player is the most involved with those lessons—monitoring them, watching them, and calling out when they come into play—but that doesn’t mean you can ignore them. Pay attention to those lessons as best you can, especially any time the Newborn writes a new one or changes an existing lesson. Those are important moments that tell you a lot about where the character is going…and where to press them dramatically.

Also, you are the final arbiter of whether or not the Newborn embodies lessons, but that doesn’t mean you should be stingy. Give them credit where it is due.

A great way to use NPCs around the Newborn is to teach them lessons, whether by outright trying to communicate a new principle or arguing with an existing principle. You can be very explicit with NPCs trying to teach the Newborn lessons, especially if they know the Newborn’s true nature—the creator of an android is absolutely going to try to teach the android in a straightforward fashion.

Finally, the Newborn is a surprisingly durable playbook, where conditions matter a great deal. Push them a lot. Make them mark conditions, especially if they’ve taken Damage or Regeneration. Those moves signs that the Newborn wants to be punched. So don’t back off.


  • 讓他們面對未來的自己
  • 映照出他們未來自己的道路上的腳步
  • 向他們展示一個現代(他們視角中的未來)的荒謬之處
  • 向他們展示一個過去(他們視角中的現代)的遺物
  • 以他們未來自己的標準來評判他們

The Innocent is a simultaneously hopeful and dark hero. They are, themselves, hopeful and light, but they are on a path to becoming something much more dangerous, and the drama of the playbook comes from toying with that path. Give the Innocent plenty of reasons and opportunities to venture down that path. Don’t let their life be easy, and don’t ever let them forget the other person that people see when they look at the Innocent.

Introducing the Innocent into your game immediately creates an important figure in your Halcyon City setting—the Innocent’s future self. They need to be someone all of the other characters would recognize and fear. Make sure to integrate the future self into the setting through your questions. Don’t let their future self ever appear definitively to be a villain. It’s your job to play on their choices and make sure their future self really seems sympathetic, like a future version of them who’s been through hell.


  • 在媒體上重新詮釋他們的行動
  • 讓他們的觀眾提出一個要求
  • 提供一個獲得大眾關注的機會
  • 提供一個當無名英雄的機會
  • 貶低他們的膚淺虛榮

The Star introduces the need for media attention and public responses into Masks. Their audience and celebrity affords the Star some excellent advantages and opportunities, but also puts on them enormous pressure, and provides a clearer source of constant judgment than any other character might have. Don’t let up. If the Star wants to call for a public appearance, or if the Star wants to get any kind of attention, they should be able to without any difficulty…but if they ever try to escape the limelight, it should only ever be a temporary reprieve. The demands of the audience always give you an excuse to make them intrude and let the Star know what they think.

On the same note, the offers, opportunities, temptations, and difficult decisions offered to the Star need to almost always be oriented toward popularity and celebrity. The Star’s drama isn’t served by offers of terrible power or by incredibly difficult moral decisions, but by seemingly innocuous choices between popularity and justice. Taking credit for a friend’s good deeds; showing a hard line response to a villain you might actually want to give mercy; focusing on the more publicly disliked threat than the actual threat—these are the decisions the Star’s story is made of. Throw them at the Star so they have to deal with the costs of their own celebrity


  • 提供他,也只為他一個人提供,一個通往成功或樂趣的機會
  • 在他們面前誇耀他半身的能力和成功
  • 將他與他的半身誤認為彼此、或把他們視為一個個體
  • 表達出對他,且只對他一人,的興趣
  • 拆散他們

The Joined is an advanced playbook, and as soon as two players agree to play with it, they’re taking on a higher burden than a normal Masks playbook. They’re agreeing to have their stories deeply entwined, to share a lot of the cool bits of their playbooks, and to bounce off each other for the rest of the story. That can be absolutely amazing, but they will need your help to make it come together.

In general, use the Joined only when you have 4 or more PCs. That way, you’ll have at least two other PCs outside of the Joined’s core connection. Any fewer, and the game becomes less about the team and more about the Joined.

Keep an eye out for the Joined and their other half becoming too wrapped up in their own world. If the Joined and their other half are barely interacting with any other PCs at all, then there’s a problem. Put them in situations where they’re forced to act as individuals, with the other PCs around.

Use your NPCs to simultaneously divide them and force them together. Push in the opposite of whichever direction they’re already tending. If they’re coming together, separate them by having an NPC offer an opportunity to only the Joined and not their other half. If they’re separate from each other, smoosh them together by having a major hero think of them only as a single unit, or mistake them for each other.

Your job when dealing with the Joined is to make the rest of the world intrudes on their relationship. Chances are, the two players involved will already be interested in the drama and stakes of the relationship. You need to make sure neither one forgets that the rest of the world has thoughts about their relationship, as well

擴充〈無拘無束〉 #


  • 讓一個陰謀圍繞著他們「記得」的角色們發展
  • 顛覆他們認為自己知道的事實
  • 揭露清晰的未來走向
  • 讓他們體驗現代的樂趣
  • 展現他們的行動對時間線造成的影響

The Harbinger makes “the future” a tangible thing in your game. As GM, you are responsible for juggling the idea of causality changes, predestination paradoxes, and multiple timelines. Essentially, you must account for the timetravel nonsense the Harbinger brings to the game so as to amp up the drama and difficult choices. They’re not in charge of making sure the timelines make sense (or at least, comic-book sense); you are, and your goal in doing so is to ensure the different timelines and ripple effects and future selves contribute to interesting and cool stories without being too confusing.

This playbook needs major figures who play roles in both the present and the future to function, and its Connect the dots section is designed to foster just that. The player is responsible for trying to fill those names in by triggering the attached move. When a player does trigger the move, they’re signaling that they are interested in this character, so keep that in mind when deciding your portion of the move. Deciding on a miss that the future has no record of the character could write them off in some cases…but it could raise interesting questions in others. Why wouldn’t the future have any records of Champion, one of the greatest heroes of Halcyon City?

Because of the way that move works, at the beginning of the game, you are most likely to have significant say over the role those characters play in the future. As time goes on, the player will have more and more say, but fewer and fewer roles to choose from along with a clearer picture of the future. But ultimate responsibility for making sure that everything fits together into a coherent picture of the future lies with you. And for the most part, all the choices and the information you reveal need to build on each other—until the Harbinger uses their Moment of Truth, and resets everything


  • 導入來自他們過去冒險的奇異元素
  • 提供他們慰藉、舒適、和家園的感覺
  • 威脅他們心繫的事物
  • 約束並限制他們
  • 讓他們了解自己知道的事情只不過是九牛一毛

The Nomad is a character defined by a desire to wander and be detached— to be free from the ties that bind. It’s your job as GM to make sure that the Nomad’s desire is complicated, foiled, and countered.

The extent to which the Nomad is tied into the world around them is (somewhat) measurable, by how much Influence the Nomad has actually given out. If the Nomad has given out 0-Influence, then they are ready to run—but if they have given out 6-Influence, then they’re heavily tied into the world.

As GM, introduce characters who are interested in the Nomad, who want to have Influence over them, and who go about pursuing that Influence through myriad means, whether by impressing the Nomad or fostering them or even overpowering them. You have no control over whether these characters actually gain Influence over the Nomad—it’s all in the player’s hands—so all you can do is present interesting and complicated options to the player.

As the Nomad does give out Influence, those relationships become the most important to threaten and stress. Keep those relationships in mind for hard moves and interesting complications.

The Nomad also gives you great license to really go gonzo with the fiction around them. They’re an interdimensional/galactic/temporal traveler—and the issues they bring with them can range the full spectrum of those madcap settings. Have fun with it!


  • 因為他們父母的行為而怪罪他們
  • 讓他們獲得尊重
  • 對他們提出要求
  • 質問他們的理由或行為
  • 導入跟他們父母有關聯的角色


